Thursday 7 April 2011

You're a dead man...

Here we go with the finished page of O'Neil...

and here together as a two-page spread, as it was meant to be seen...

So after surviving a couple of vicious attacks and his deputy being murdered O'Neil finally confronts the big bad apple of Shepherd himself, who likes to put on the appearance of being not particularly bothered, not he would rather not have his game of golf interrupted by such "childish" antics...

And offers a bribe to O'Neil to keep quiet

That is until he finds that O'Neil has destroyed the whole entire shipment of illegal death dealing drugs, then the air is filled with menace and Shepherd threatens O'Neil's life

that threat does seem a bit redundant as if Yario choking O'Neil wasn't obvious enough ---

but ah - that happens after O'Neil sees Shepherd in the movie...

in either case Shepherd is out of assassins, it looks like he needs to order some more to be sent over - how - find out - next week

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