Tuesday 11 January 2011

Love is not for sale?

So here we go with a look at the top most panel here - the actual focus of the entire two page spread...

Where we have a man who is quite clearly assaulting a woman, seriously enough to get the police outside - You have to look closely (and this a fairly important plot point) but the man is actually holding a knife.

There are quite a number of statements made here and possibly the most tangible reason for the perpetual shadow seen to date, there is no love in Outland (only by remote video call) - but sex is for sale

And not just casual sex, but sex of all kinds of varieties, the video screen behind the man showing for all the depth of depravity available and possibly even acceptable within the shadow soaked corridors...

Which almost makes one wonder quite how things had to get out of order before the alarm went off.. remember Shepherds earlier "they work hard and they play hard.."statement?

The layout of the two pages designed to instantly draw the eye towards the twisted embrace between the "couple" in question...

Now hold for a moment - and look at the movie, This does not go as far as the drawing, the movie clearly shows a naked prostitute but the entire scene is made by the acting of Steven Berkoff who plays it completely crazed...

and the woman just moans to herself in the corner (mostly)...

Apart from making a much more overt statement about the disposability of sex in Outland, Steranko possibly goes a bit further as the guy in the drawing does not even look vaguely like Berkoff  - which is one thing - but then gives him a moustache which is quite another...

With the shadow and the cut angular style it could almost be mistaken for Monotone - except the trademark cigar is missing - and Monotone is elsewhere in this scene...

Doing what? Find out tomorrow

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